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Partner of the Biofiori project

The project was born from a specific need of the RZero farm, a producer nursery

of aromatic herbs and, a regional leader, in the production of edible flowers. The company

certified organic since 2000, it has always followed the paths of innovation to stay on the market.

For some years it has developed the edible flower sector, mainly in the fresh sector,

involving professional restaurateurs to introduce flowers to gourmet cuisine.

The company to develop innovative techniques of conservation and transformation of flowers, for

guarantee a greater diversification of the use of edible flowers and to extend the shelf life of

product, involved the partners of this project to carry out a development project

pre-competitive for the benefit of the entire floricultural sectorpotentially interested in

organic production.

The company has therefore involved the CREA of Sanremo , with which it has already been collaborating for some time on several

projects related to edible flowers, to manage the research part, to guarantee the quality of the analyzes e

of the necessary equipment, and for the scientific dissemination of the project.

AIABLiguria ( of which the Rzero company is a partner) was involved, to ensure a correct path

in the context of the organic production method , for the work experience in the various measures of the

PSR: in the field of demonstration, training and dissemination, and finally to amplify the results

of the project within the community of the biological sector (both commercial and scientific).

The University of Genoa was subsequently involved by the CREA of Sanremo to investigate

some highly innovative products developed by the university, to be tested in the work-package

relating to Packaging .

Finally Coldiretti is part of the partnership above all to guarantee the phase of

dissemination downstream of the project , or disseminating information to the production community of the

western Liguria, managing the accompanying measures relating to training (M1-01 and M1.02).


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